Monday, March 15, 2010

Have You Ever Herd Of A Bug Pop?

What is the strangest food you ever eaten? Many people say it is the bug pop. I think they are right. You must be wondering what in the world is a bug pop? A bug pop is like a normal lollipop but it has a bug in the middle of it! You may think that it is no big deal to have a gummyworm in your pop but this bug is real! It isn't even a worm! It is usually a scorpion that is in the middle of that lollipop! Don't worry! The bug is dead and the poison is taken out but it is still very strange to eat that bug. I once saw one in person but I didn't eat it. I saw it at a snack bar at an airport. I tell you it was creepy! You can think it is creepy with me with the picture above.

Badly Treated Animals

Animals already have inadequate water and loss of food and shelter, but still they are neglected ,abused, and tortured. Together we can stop this. Some animals are suffering just from human ignorance. Their situation may not be as bad but we should still help them. Just because they are not abused doesn't mean they aren't hurt. We should do all we can to help these hopeless creatures. We should lift those animals from the darkness and into the light. Those who say this is no big deal. Those who say they would rather help one of their own kind. What if you were that animal? What would you do? Help them of course! Now, you see that those animals are exactly like us. What can you do to help? The question is, " what can your parents do to help?" You're already helping but what about your parents? If your parent's job is law enforcement he/she can help by arresting those who do animal cruelty. Now, you see that there is a lot of things that you and your parents can do to fight against animal cruelty.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lovely Animal Is Near Extinction

You who thinks this animal is cute is now in the verge of extinction.the Mexican Walking fish or also known as the Axolotl Salamander is found in the the waters off Mexico. You may be thinking what caused this? Well, lakes have been drained. Wastewater from Mexico City pollute waterways. You may think this is terrible but even worse problems are most likely to come. For now there are 1,500 Mexican Walking fish per square mile in existence. How do we know this? Scientists have figured out by using casting nets and I believe you know what they used them for. I think you want to go where they live and take one as a pet. But where do you go? Well a pilot was trying to fly around the world trying to find Mexican Walking fish. He found some of them in Xochimico ,but there are only 15 there. I know that you already love this animal but you will love him even more after you here this fact.Mexican Walking fish are able to regenerate themselves! How amazing is that? Next, it comes to the life cycle. Who eats this precious animal? The answer is either Asian Carps or African Tilipias. Now, you have become a Mexican Walking fish expert and please try your best to lift them from despair. Thank You.